
1984. New Instrumental Album By Kafayat Quadri

2021-02-01 11:22:28

HOW TO SURVIVE 1984 First of all, you need to learn how to appreciate the simple things. Then, align with the softest side of the sun. Be like the moon. Be like a full moon. Be a new moon. Let it shine through your heart. The irawo of your okan. Be one with your strangeness. Let your light always shine through, regardless. And anytime you are confused, fearful, sad or ashamed; close your eyes and take deep breaths in and out, slowly, as you listen to teleportation; so that you may teleport to your Higher Self, a place of zero entitlement - a place of gratitude and love. This is the path of farewell to your sadness. Be present. Be passionately present and know that kindness is not hard to give. Be creative. This is the time to know who you are and understand the world you live in. Make your observations with love and with an open heart. You will finally come to the realization that outside of the gimmicks of religion, race, social positioning and hierarchies; chances are we are all cousins and HUMANITY is watching as you choose love. When we are all of service and worship towards one another, we suffer less. Opin inira. Ominira. This is how to survive 1984. Be strong. Be love.

I started working on the 1984 album in 2014 in Malaysia. Six of the songs were recorded over there while tracks 1 & 7 were recorded in Lagos. Instrumental music embodies everything words cannot convey & my intentions are always rooted in music therapy and healing. Self-love potions.

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