Jae $outh born Justin Adkins, a 45-year-old creative known for hisartistic talent and he often shared that he’s compared his musicalprowess to one of Kanye West. Despite facing adversity, Jae’s journey has been one of transformation and redemption. After servingthree years in the Florida Department of Corrections due to chargesrelated to controlled substances, he decided to make a profoundchange in his life. Justin took a complete 180-degree turn away fromstreet life and found solace in expressing his experiences throughheartfelt music as a singer-songwriter.
Through the art of songwriting, Jae discovered his true potential andunleashed his creativity. He draws inspiration from a new generationof talented artists such as Lil Baby, Rod Wave, Kodak Black, and KevinGates. This inspiration, combined with his own unique style, has ledhim to create exceptional music that resonates with audiences.
Don't miss his latest single, "Drea," which is now available on all majorstreaming platforms.