Timothy White (born and raised in Gainesville, Florida), commonly addressed by his stage name "Mr. Tee Whitey," is well-known throughout...
Timothy White (born and raised in Gainesville, Florida), commonly addressed by his stage name "Mr. Tee Whitey," is well-known throughout the sate of Florida for his customized sound and his lyrical delivery. He possesses national and international appeal because he is more than what meets the eye, (don't let his "thugged-out" exterior- fool you!) , with self-produced "signature" songs like, "B.A.N.D.A.I.D.Z"- a song encompassing his will do whatever, whenever to make it & "Scene"- a song more unapologetically says "My life is more than what you see, everything happens behind the scenes" in all its glory- the good, the bad, the ugly! Also, in 2020 dropping the single "Never Enough" hit over 80K views on YouTube! Whitey's repertoire includes a variety of songs from love ballads to explicit "street life" depictions; there is something about his music that will cause you to listen to more than once!
Mr. White was single-handedly raised by his beautiful mother, who provided him with the necessities & essential facts of life, to survive! Growing up, Whitey came into the understanding of wants versus needs quickly! He confesses that he often lashed out and went against his mother's advising- because of the things he wanted and wanted to do! However, he praises her for all that she sacrificed for him and has vowed to make her proud no matter what!
Prior, to his felony conviction Whitey had managed to steer clear of serious charges. Since, his release in 2014- his drive to BE the phenomenon known as Tee Whitey has magnified to the umpteenth power! Since his release (from prison), his music has opened doors for international venues, traveling overseas for 3 years straight, Copenhagen, Germany, and Sweden to name a few, and signing Distribution deals with Korea!
Whitey owns and operates CBCBA Music Group, with several upcoming artist and planned artists spotlights and hip-hop cyphers. In the fall of 2020 Tee Whitey opened a music school that assists with artist development and knowledge of the music industry, along with a top-of-the-line music Studio "Six 0 Clock Studios one of the most advanced studio to hit Gainesville Fl.
Whitey is the definition of a Millennial Man, and he embraces every opportunity that will expand his business enterprises in the most lucrative manners. Remember the name "TEE WHITEY" CEO, entrepreneur, rapper, songwriter, producer. It's nothing TEE WHITEY cannot do, and don't forget!