Mike Okri is a renowned Nigerian Artist of international&...
Mike Okri is a renowned Nigerian Artist of international acclaim. When this
versatile, no-fuss-no-fad crooner made his chart buster debut titled “CONCERT
FEVER” in the 80s, it was a great phenomenon that ushered spice and change into
the Nigerian Music Industry.
Mike Okri is a renowned Nigerian Artist of international acclaim. When this versatile, no-fuss-no-fad crooner made his chart buster debut titled “CONCERT FEVER” in the 80s, it was a great phenomenon that ushered spice and change into the Nigerian Music Industry.
This singer, Songwriter, Producer, Novelist, Humanitarian was first ever to be signed on to CBS Records (Nigeria) (later Sony Music Nigeria). Sony Music in collaboration with Benson & Hedges Music released his second award winning album “Rhumba Dance” in the early 90s. With a third mind-blowing album, “CRACKS” with Premier Music two years later, this velvet voice crooner made his mark as one of Africa’s brightest stars who’s music has come to earn him the name “Legendary”
He’s won for himself over the years, awards in different categories and at different times in both the Nigerian Music awards (NMA) and Fame Music Awards (FMA) respectively, including other local and international awards, such as the Pan-African Music Awards in Ghana.
Mike Okri is presently living in Los Angeles, California, USA. He also visits Nigeria on regular basis and he is about to begin a new phase in his musical career. Though he recorded a self-titled album “Rhythmystical” with Global Village Records, a Los Angeles based independent label, he is now working on something new and spectacularly huge.
His music is a profound beautiful piece of creative art on canvas. A unique Afro-beat style fused with ethnic and western ethos. Its strong poetry of rhythm and sound heals and uplifts the human spirit and soul. His didactic lyrics richly backed by the blend of intensifying rhythm and sound, makes it a unique class of world Afro music Mike Okri calls “Afro-Rhythmystic Soul”.
Mike Okri is a graduate of Broadcast Journalism at TV College Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. He has served in various capacities in the musicians’ union (PMAN), including being its one time 2nd Vice-President. He’s a staunch intellectual property crusader, who also served as a Director in the membership board of the Musical Copyright of Nigeria (MCSN) with King Sunny Ade then as the presiding chairman.
“Afro-Rhythmystic Soul” is Mike Okri’s new creative rebirth and with it, God willing, he is ready to conquer the world in ways musically compelling and sweet.